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Bridging Generations in Science

It’s not exactly like going back to science class — it’s better.

Two emeriti professors reminisce with current students about teaching “in those days.” Produced entirely by a team of WQSU student staff, this podcast brings to life their shared appreciation for science, 研究和萨斯奎哈纳.

Recalling what the science equipment, research opportunities 和 grant funding were like decades ago, the professors recounted details so specific that time didn’t seem to be a factor in the equation.

“Well, we had a pH meter 和 a spec 20. 那是我们的设备。” 托马斯·麦格拉思 记得. “But I went off to work for Gulf Research one summer 和 brought back a gas chromatograph.”

除了物理, 弗雷德的码数 also taught computer courses for 15 years. “The first thing we got was a key punch with a Hollerith code. We didn’t have a printer here at all,” he recalls. “我们有五个大托盘, maybe four feet long of cards” to haul to another university 和 print the day before Commencement. “They went perfect,” he 说 as he leads into the joke he played on his colleagues.

The significance of undergraduate research 和 how it can help Susquehanna students launch their careers in science with unmatched experience was a resounding theme throughout the interview. 麦格拉思, for whom the 麦格拉思 Scholars Program is named, was instrumental in establishing summer science research at Susquehanna. In the podcast studio, he was thanked by a recent recipient.

“I think I speak on behalf of many students like us, on behalf of the many 麦格拉思 Scholars,” Samit Barua Chowdhury 说. “We’re really thankful for you for this, for what you have done for the students back then, 和 how that tradition has carried on all these years.”

Podcast produced by WQSU Student Staff.


Five people sitting around a table with microphones recording a podcast. Pictured above, from left to right: 弗雷德的码数, Professor Emeritus of Physics, 1960 through 2012; 托马斯·麦格拉思, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, 1963 through 1992; 凯特琳·欧黛24, Physics Major in 3+2 Pre-Engineering Program; Fotoula Kolokas, 25岁生物化学专业; Samit Barua Chowdhury ’24、生物化学

Susquehanna Dedicates Erynn E. Reiss LGBTQ+ Resource Center

Pictured L to R: Ana Endrusick, 尼科Endrusick, 杰夫Endrusick, President 乔纳森•格林, 安德里亚Licciardello '72 Endrusick, 卢卡斯Endrusi Pictured L to R: Ana Endrusick, 尼科Endrusick, 杰夫Endrusick, President 乔纳森•格林, 安德里亚Licciardello ’72 Endrusick, 卢卡斯Endrusick 和 Jay Endrusick ’72.The LGBTQ+ Resource Center at 浩博体育app was dedicated in memory of Erynn Reiss 和 in recognition of the philanthropy of her parents, 周杰伦72年安德里亚72年的安德鲁西克.

Located in the university’s Scholars House 和 adjacent to the Charles B. Degenstein Campus Center, the Erynn E. Reiss LGBTQ+ Resource Center was established in 2023 to empower, support 和 give visibility to the university’s growing population of LGBTQ+-identifying students.

“After discussing the feasibility of a resource center for many years, talks really began in earnest when we had nearly a third of a recent incoming class tell us that they identify as queer in some way,” Dena萨勒诺, senior director of inclusion 和 diversity.

The Endrusicks’ philanthropy will immediately support student programming, guest speakers 和 the center’s capital improvement expenditures. In addition to programming opportunities, the Reiss Resource Center provides specialty housing for LGBTQ+ students, 和 their gift also will eliminate financial barriers for students seeking those accommodations.

It was the physical location of the resource center that drew special attention from the Endrusicks. When they were students at Susquehanna, Jay 和 his fraternity brothers lived in the building that now supports LGBTQ+ students. Andrea remarked how it was the “very same place” she 和 Jay started their lives together 55 years ago.

“去年9月, Jay 和 I spotted a communication from the university that cited the opening of an LGBTQ+ resource center on campus,”安德烈说。. “Jay’s old Lambda Chi Alpha house now had private rooms for students who identify as LGBTQ+ 和 had been transformed to a place of solace 和 security for students who are travelling on paths that parallel our daughter’s.”

Inspired by the creation of the new LGBTQ+ Resource Center, the Endrusicks contacted the university to express their interest 和 support.

“This safe place continues to give meaning to our Erynn’s life, 和 it brings the connection Jay 和 I have to Susquehanna full circle,安德里亚补充道.

A portion of the Endrusicks’ gift will establish the Endrusick LGBTQ+ Resource Center Endowment Fund, which will support the resource center in perpetuity.

“We are deeply grateful for Jay 和 Andrea’s philanthropy 和 the ways in which it will benefit our LGBTQ+ community 和 the university as a whole,” Susquehanna President 乔纳森•格林. “We are honored to be a part of Erynn’s legacy.”

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