

Susquehanna students networked with over 100 alumni volunteers at the annual 突破 专业会议. 对所有专业和年级开放, 突破 connects current students to alumni in similar career paths and provides students with guidance on making the most of their time at Susquehanna, 毕业后继续就业, 寻找实习机会, 获得专业技能以及介于两者之间的一切.

This year’s event consisted of nearly 40 面板 discussions, 无论是虚拟的还是面对面的, 关于职业生涯 广告 to 通信 和兽医学写作. Other sessions covered money management, understanding a job offer and managing mental health. 学生s also had the opportunity to sit for a professional headshot and participate in networking lunches.

领导 临床工作 小组成员是Alumni希拉·德扬, a physician in hematology/oncology at Cooper University Hospital; Jared Dickson ’22, a medical student at Temple University; Shelby O’Riley ’15 Kerns, a physician assistant at Danbury Hospital; Gina Palazzi ’13, a podiatry resident physician at Geisinger Community Medical Center; and Fawn Staneruck ’99 Ruiz, a registered nurse and principal clinical supplies specialist at ICON.

The 面板ists discussed topics such as helping patients with chronic illnesses, taking gap years and understanding the importance of cross-disciplinary activities for future medical students.

许多人表示想成为一名教师 临床医生 作为一个孩子. They discussed their career journeys and the varied paths that led from one job to another. 鲁伊斯最初想成为一名医生, but instead ending up exploring the fields of intensive care nursing and pharmaceuticals. Palazzi experienced multiple setbacks on the way to earning her certification, 包括董事会考试不及格和经济困难. 尽管存在这些挑战, her unwavering determination and advocacy for herself ultimately led to success.

“I advocated for myself and proved that I work hard so that the professors and people 牧师iewing my case would advocate for me too,帕拉齐说.

Robert Masters '20 at the 人工智能和未来的工作 面板. 罗伯特·马斯特斯的20分 人工智能和未来的工作 面板.在另一个小组讨论中, 科技专业人士约瑟夫·莫兰特,21岁, 彭博数据分析师, 罗伯特·马斯特斯的20年, 德勤解决方案分析师, 讨论了人工智能在工作场所的未来.

Morante highlighted the various misconceptions surrounding AI, 尤其是对失业的恐惧.

“Yes, some jobs go with new technology, but new tech creates new jobs,” Morante said.

One new career option, the prompt generator, was offered as an example of a new, post-AI career. A prompt generator is a person who writes and alters prompts to receive a specific response from an AI platform. Since vague prompts may not result in the desired product, prompt generators are trained in feeding the correct descriptions to an AI generator to receive the best results. Morante described this career as one that would be ideal for writers.

马斯特斯深入研究了人工智能的颠覆性潜力, citing the automation of product 牧师iews and technical descriptions that have traditionally been written by people.

“AI removes the chance for human error in these highly technical, 非常乏味的角色,马斯特斯说.

体育媒体职业 面板, 由Alumni希瑟·凯西领导, assistant video producer at BetMGM; Alexa Gonzalez ’19, senior account executive at Taylor; and Kirsten Hatten ’19, ESPN副制片人, 学生们了解了美国女性的职业选择 体育媒体. 小组成员讨论了他们目前的工作, 职业生涯早期, experiences post-graduation and tips for making it in the industry. 他们的一些建议包括自我宣传, 抓住机会, pursuing extracurricular activities to gain real-world experience and preparing a quality portfolio.

They attributed their success to the many clubs and hands-on experiences Susquehanna can offer.

“在萨斯奎汉纳有很多令人惊叹的机会. You could join the newspaper or WQSU for real hands-on work,” Gonzales said. “有很多方法可以突破.”